Certifications Students in the third year of the Biomedical Sciences Program can get NOCTI biotechnology certified and start a career right out of high school. Furthermore, students can use this certification to apply for research positions in college that will make them more competitive.
College Ready
College Credit Students in the Biomedical Sciences Program have the opportunity to earn college credit for taking PLTW BMS courses. To receive credit, students must receive a letter grade of “B” or higher on their transcripts and a 6 or higher (out of 9) on the End-Of-Course assessment. To see colleges and universities that accept BMS courses for college credit, click the button below.
AP + PLTW The College Board and Project Lead The Way have partnered to help prepare students for the global workforce by developing a program that encourages students to participate in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) courses. Students on this pathway will take one AP course, one PLTW course, and a third course (either AP or PLTW).
To find out more information about the AP + PLTW program, click the button below.